I just came across a golden opportunity for Catholic fiction writers to get their work read and to possibly break into the market! Tuscany Press, a newly-founded publisher of Catholic fiction, is: “dedicated to publishing Catholic fiction. Tuscany Press is soliciting manuscripts that are ‘infused with the presence of God – subtly, symbolically, or deliberately.’ ”
Furthermore, this courageous new publishing company is hosting its first ever Tuscany Prize for Catholic Fiction: “The Tuscany Prize for Catholic Fiction is a literary prize to promote writers and great undiscovered stories of Catholic fiction.”
Catholic short stories, novellas, and novels are all being considered for monetary prizes and publication. The prize for the winning novel is $1,000 and publication with a standard royalty contract. The reading fee is an extremely reasonable $10 per submission, and all novel submissions will be considered for publication, whether they win the prize or not.
Opportunities for Catholic writers to have their Catholic fiction read by serious publishers is rather slim in today’s world, so this new opportunity is quite exciting and I encourage all Catholic fiction writers to check this out–and soon–because the deadline to enter the contest is September 30, 2012.
Note: If you miss the deadline, you can still submit your Catholic novels to be considered for publication, but you will miss the chance at winning a prize.
Best of luck!