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The King’s Prey: Saint Dymphna of Ireland (God’s Forgotten Friends)
by Susan Peek

An insane king. His fleeing daughter. Estranged brothers, with a scarred past, risking everything to save her from a fate worse than death.

Treachery and Truth: A Story of Sinners, Servants, and Saints by Katy Huth Jones

This gripping YA historical novel tells the story of a remarkable teen through the eyes of his servant, Poidevin, who came to faith because of the example of his godly young master. Immersed in the historical background of tenth century Bohemia, this true tale of Good King Wenceslas pulls the reader into the struggles and danger of the Dark Ages.

Maiden General: How a 17-year-old Girl Saved France at Orleans: A True Story
by Mike MacCarthy

Joan, 17 years old and a pious young woman, runs away from home in order to attempt an impossible mission from God–have herself appointed as a French field general and lead her country to victory over the English.

A Soldier Surrenders: The Conversion of St. Camillus de Lellis
by Susan Peek

Soldiering, gambling, brawling, drinking. As a young man, Saint Camillus excelled at them all. Add to that his fiery temper and innate knack for getting in trouble, and Camillus de Lellis seems the last person who could ever achieve holiness! But God had plans for the stubborn young soldier, whether Camillus liked it or not . . .
Read’s review here.

To the Heights: A Novel Based on the Life of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
by Brian Kennelly

The unforgettable story of a passionate young man, who in his brief life reached the heights of adventure, friendship–and sanctity.

Saint Magnus, The Last Viking by Susan Peek

A tale of betrayal and revenge, bravery and forgiveness, as Magnus seeks to restore his father’s vanquished kingdom to it’s rightful hands.
Read’s review here.

El Cid: God’s Own Champion by James Fitzhenry

Known by the honorary title of El Cid, Rodrigo Diaz is a legendary hero who is directly relevant to modern times. Exiled by his king, insulted and maligned by those who should have supported him, he selflessly fought against seemingly insurmountable odds to save Christian Spain.

Saint Fernando III: A Kingdom for Christ by James Fitzhenry

The greatest Spanish monarch, King of Castile and Leon, St. Fernando III was born in the year 1199–exactly 100 years after the death of his illustrious ancestor, El Cid. In him would be combined the soul of a knight dedicated entirely to God, the irresistible power of the Cid, and due to his royal heritage, the authority to marshal the might of an entire kingdom against the enemies of Christ. Personally leading his armies into battle, he took back more territory from Islam than any other king in history.